

eg.G 百家布拼布祝福利是封


eg.G 利是封採用百家拼布設計,象徵祝福接收利是封者,這利是封有3款,分別用不同高質素物料和獨特設計而製成,斑斕的拼色更賦予利是封藝術美感和豐盛的好意頭,眼目一新,快點購買來Wow接收者和傳達你的心意吧!

The design of eg.G red packets adopts the idea of patchwork, symbolizing the blessing to receivers of red packets. 3 styles are available, each made of a different material and designed uniquely. The colorful mix-and-match gives the red packets an artistic touch and represents good fortune. The brand-new design comes as a breath of fresh air, hurry and buy some to wow your receiver and express your compliments!


這裝飾設計上身是聖誕樹,底座糖果盒。頂端放置了聖誕代表物—火雞,還記得美國感恩節吃火雞是為了紀念耶穌嗎?聖誕節就是耶穌出生紀念日,於是大家延續到聖誕節都吃火雞了~另外一款的頂部裝飾就是貓,它漫步於街燈之中,引發無暇想像… 各位貓迷是否心動了?設計師裁剪了紙板上的大小空洞和附有喜鵲等配飾,留給玩家足夠自由組合的創作空間~



The decoration is designed with a Xmas tree on top and a candy box at the bottom. Turkey – a symbol of the festival is placed on the tip. Do you know that Americans eat turkeys during Thanksgiving to commemorate Jesus? As Christmas is the birth of Christ, so the custom of eating turkeys lasts until Christmas. The other design, a cat strolling through the streetlamps, invoking reverie… Are cat lovers taking a fancy to this decoration? There are some spaces left blank on the tree, along with accessories like magpies, there is sufficient space for you to express creativity~

Candy box is a must-have accessory for Chinese New Year. A decoration that is made for two festivals, the Xmas tree X candy box combination is a fusion between the Chinese and western culture, presenting eg.G’s bold innovation in festive decorative arts. How can you miss it?

The 34cm limited version is a mini DIY decoration, can be assembled without external adhesive. It will be a nice gift for your loved ones, but also fits for personal use.

Ishopdea 港式農曆年特式揮春 (一式兩款)



Ishopdea Hong Kong-style Lunar New Year Special Spring (one pack with two styles)

January 25, 2020 is the New Year’s Day, it is time to prepare for the New Year. Ishopdea teamed up with local designers to create a spring festival in Hong Kong’s market stalls. It expresses the spirit of hard work and hard work of Hong Kong people since the opening of Hong Kong. Although the global domestic storms are faltering, there are more hopes of showing up in the trough every year. The positive spirit of Ming. According to legend, in ancient China, there was a monster called “Year”. Every year on New Year’s Eve, people climbed from the deep sea to eat people. Therefore, the villagers should avoid “years” every New Year’s Eve. “Year” came to the village at midnight and found that the door of every household in the village was covered with red paper, and when he heard the voice of “砰砰啪啪”, he was afraid to escape. After returning to the village, the villagers found that the old woman was safe and sound. The original “year” was most afraid of red, fire and explosion. The villagers immediately put on red clothes and congratulated the “year” to be driven away. Later, the red paper stuck outside the door slowly evolved into a custom of spring. There is also a saying that comes from “Yichun Post” and “Peach Fu”, which are items for blessing and exorcism.

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[Eggshell Creative] In the 22nd century in Hong Kong, what values a brand is not just the functionality of the products but the notions of kindness.



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