Our Inspirations

Personalized premium design from Eggshell Retail team

eg.G 百家布拼布祝福利是封 利是封設計概念源於中國民族百家布,父母親會到各家各戶或親朋好友家中拜訪,以收集一些布料。這些布頭給孩子縫製一件帶着不同家庭祝福的「百家被」,為孩子祈福避禍、接納百家之福,以借福來保佑小孩平安長大。 eg.G 利是封採用百家拼布設計,象徵祝福接收利是封者,這利是封有3款,分別用不同高質素物料和獨特設計而製成,斑斕的拼色更賦予利是封藝術美感和豐盛的好意頭,眼目一新,快點購買來Wow接收者和傳達你的心意吧! The design of eg.G red packets adopts the idea of patchwork, symbolizing the blessing to receivers of red packets. 3 styles are available, each made of a different material and designed uniquely. The colorful mix-and-match…

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